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Our mission is to make a hub for video games that raises awareness for homelessness. We are aiming our project at youth because of their experience with technology. We are parterning with other organizations such as 360 kids that are trying to solve the same problems. We belive that it is important to aim our ideas at the youth because they are the future generation and can really make a big change in how our world operates. 


Homeless Steve

Homeless Steve is a game that offers a specific point of view to some homeless people. It does show some childish attributes, but nevertheless it gives a point of view on homelessness.


Invisible is a great text-based game that focuses on the whole point of view of homelessness. It portrays what we think of homeless people on the national scale and what they are really thinking.


SPENT is a game that focuses on the unemployment rates in the US. It gives you options on how to survive and sees if you have what it takes to live in the harsh conditions.


Don't Starve

Don't Starve is an adventurous and element based survival game. It portrays aspects of homelessness in the sense of having to survive alone on the streets. It can be found on the game library program steam or on their website.

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